After sampling a few of our treats and putting the rest away for later we got ready for our hike on Mount Lemon. We now know, A) not to read the frightening pamphlet on mountain lion attacks minutes before going to an area that might have mountain lion attacks, and b) pick a trail that STARTS going uphill so that at the end when you are hot, dehydrated and exhausted you can let gravity help you as you travel down. Lessons learned.
After our beautiful and tiring hike, Paul and I were pumped to enjoy our first joint Netflix DVD, Season One of The Wire. So many people have told us how good this show is that we saved the experience of watching it until we were here and could really enjoy it together. We got all the way to minute 58 in episode one when the disc stopped. Irreversibly scratched. We were unable to see what happened in those crucial last two minutes AND were unable to watch the next episode. Thank you, Netflix.
In the evening we went out for yummy sushi - I got the Yummy Roll (how could you go wrong) and Paul got a plate of sashimi. We like food.
Yes, The Wire!!! If you only knew what you were missing, you'd be even more steamed about that screwed DVD. Give it 3 or 4 episodes and you will be hooked. We're blowing through Season 4 currently.
Nice blog!
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